What is Inheritance in Swift?

Inheritance is a process in which a class can inherit properties, methods and other characteristics from another class. Inheritance is supported in Swift programming language. There are two types of classes in Inheritance in Swift: Sub class: The class which inherits the properties from other class is called child class or sub class. Super class: … Read more

What are the different collection types available in Swift?

There are two varieties of collection types in Swift: Array: In Swift, you can create an array of single type or an array of multiple type. Dictionary: In Swift, dictionary is similar to hash table in other programing language. You can store a key-value pair in a dictionary and access the value by using the … Read more

What is the use of continue statement in Swift loop?

The continue statement is used in Swift loop to change execution from its normal sequence. It stops currently executing statement and starts again at the beginning of the next iteration through the loop. In Swift, the continue statement is used within loops (such as for, while, or repeat-while loops) to skip the remaining code within … Read more

What is the use of break statement in Swift language?

The break statement is used within a loop where you have to immediately terminate a statement. It is also used to terminate a case in switch statement. In Swift, the break statement is used to exit or terminate the execution of a loop, switch statement, or labeled statement prematurely. Here’s how it works in different … Read more

What is the usage of switch statement in Swift language?

Switch statement are used as a substitute for the long if-else-if statements. Switch statement supports any type of data, synchronizes them and also checks for equality. Break is not required in switch statement because there is no fall through in switch statement. Switch statement must have covered all possible values for your variable. In Swift, … Read more