What are the different Tableau files?

Bookmarks: It contains only single worksheet and its easy way to share your work. Workbooks: Workbook can hold one or more dashboards and worksheets. Packaged workbooks: It contains the workbook along with any supporting local file data and background images. Data extraction files: Data extraction files are a local copy of a data source or … Read more

Suppose license expires today, will users be able to view dashboard or worksheet which published on the server?

If Tableau Desktop license expires today, then you cannot access the dashboard or worksheet because the username on the server will have to unroll unlicensed. But others can access because the site admin can change the ownership to another person, so the extracts do not fail. If the Tableau Server license expires, users will not … Read more

Can we place an excel file in a shared location in Tableau?

Yes, we can place an excel file in a shared location, but for better performance, we should use extract. Tableau allows you to connect to Excel files and use them as a data source for your visualizations. However, Tableau doesn’t directly store or host Excel files. Instead, it connects to the data in real-time or … Read more

Tableau software is suitable for strategic acquisition or not?

Yes, Tableau software is suitable for strategic acquisition because it gives data insight to the extent that other tools can’t. The suitability of Tableau software for strategic acquisition depends on various factors, including the specific needs and goals of the acquiring organization. Tableau is a widely used business intelligence and data visualization tool that helps … Read more

Can Tableau be installed on macOS?

Yes, Tableau Desktop can be installed on Mac as well as window operating system. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Tableau Desktop (the authoring and publishing tool) is primarily designed for Windows operating systems. However, Tableau Server and Tableau Online can be accessed using web browsers on macOS. It’s essential to check … Read more