What is the usage of switch statement in Swift language?

  • Switch statement are used as a substitute for the long if-else-if statements.
  • Switch statement supports any type of data, synchronizes them and also checks for equality.
  • Break is not required in switch statement because there is no fall through in switch statement.
  • Switch statement must have covered all possible values for your variable.

In Swift, the switch statement is used for control flow to execute different branches of code based on the value of an expression. It’s particularly handy when you have multiple conditions to check against a single value. Here are some key points regarding the usage of switch in Swift:

  1. Pattern Matching: Swift’s switch statement supports pattern matching, allowing you to match against a wide variety of patterns, including values, ranges, tuples, enums, and more.
  2. No Implicit Fallthrough: Unlike some other languages, Swift’s switch statement does not fall through the cases. Once a matching case is found and executed, the switch statement exits. This prevents accidental fallthrough errors and makes code more predictable.
  3. Default Case: You can include a default case in a switch statement to handle values that don’t match any of the explicit cases.
  4. Value Binding: You can use let or var to bind the value matched by a case to a temporary constant or variable, respectively.
  5. Compound Cases: You can combine multiple cases into a single compound case using commas.
  6. Where Clause: Swift allows you to add additional conditions to a case using the where keyword.
  7. Enum Associated Values: When working with enums, you can use switch to pattern match against associated values.

Overall, the switch statement in Swift provides a powerful and flexible way to handle complex conditional logic in a clear and concise manner.