So, which Approach will you choose

The best practice is to use “contract-first”, and here is the link that explains this much better with examples –>  contract-first versus contract-last web services In a nutshell, the contract-last is more fragile than the “contract-first”.You will have to decide what is most appropriate based on your requirements, tool sets you use, etc. Note: More … Read more

What are the Pros and Cons of each Approach, and which Approach would you Prefer

Contract-first Web service PROS: Clients are decoupled from the server, hence the implementation logic can be revised on the server without affecting the clients. Developers can work simultaneously on client and server side based on the contract both agreed on. You have full control over how the request and response messages are constructed — for … Read more

What are the Different Approaches to Developing a SOAP Based Web Service

These two approaches The contract-first approach, where you define the contract first with XSD and WSDL and the generate the Java classes from the contract. The contract-last approach where you define the Java classes first and then generate the contract, which is the  WSDL file from the Java classes. Note: The WSDL describes all operations … Read more

Web Services when you can use Traditional Style Middle-Ware such as RPC, CORBA, RMI and DCOM

The traditional middle-wares tightly couple connections to the applications and it can break if you make any modification to your application. Tightly coupled applications are hard to maintain and less reusable. Generally do not support heterogeneity. Do not work across Internet. Can be more expensive and hard to use. Web Services support loosely coupled connections. … Read more

What is the Difference Between SOA and a Web Service

SOA is a software design principle and an architectural pattern for implementing loosely coupled, reusable and coarse grained services. You can implement SOA using any protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, JMS, SMTP, RMI, IIOP (i.e. EJB uses IIOP), RPC etc. Messages can be in XML or Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). Web service is an implementation … Read more