What is a Bug Life Cycle?

The bug life cycle is also known as the defect life cycle. Bug life cycle is a specific set of states that a bug goes through. The number of states that a defect goes through varies from project to project. New When a new defect is logged and posted for the first time, then the … Read more

What are the Different Levels in Software Testing?

There are four different levels in software testing: Unit/Component testing Integration testing System testing Acceptance testing Unit testing It is the lowest level in most of the models. Units are the programs or modules in the software. Unit testing is performed by the programmer that tests the modules, and if any bug is found, then … Read more

How is Monkey Testing Different from Adhoc Testing?

Both monkey testing and adhoc testing follows the informal approach, but in monkey testing, we do not need to have deep knowledge of the software. However, to perform adhoc testing, testers should have a deep knowledge of the software. Monkey testing and ad-hoc testing are both types of software testing, but they have distinct characteristics. … Read more

What is Adhoc Testing?

Adhoc testing is an informal way of testing the software. It does not follow the formal process like requirement documents, test plan, test cases, etc. Characteristics of adhoc testing are: Adhoc testing is performed after the completion of formal testing on an application. The main aim of adhoc testing is to break the application without … Read more

How to Design Test Cases?

There are mainly two techniques to design the test cases: Black box testing It is a specification-based technique where the testers view the software as a black box with inputs and outputs. In black box testing, the testers do not know about how the software is structured inside the box, they know only what the … Read more