Explain XPath Absolute and XPath Attributes.

XPath Absolute: XPath Absolute enables users to mention the complete XPath location from the root HTML tag to the specific elements. Syntax: //html/body/tag1[index]/tag2[index]/…/tagN[index] Example: //html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/fieldset/form/div[1]/input[1] XPath Attributes: XPath Attributes is always recommended when you don’t have a suitable id or name attribute for the element you want to locate. Syntax: //htmltag[@attribute1=’value1′ and @attribute2=’value2′] Example: //input[@id=’passwd’ … Read more

What do you mean by XPath?

XPath is also defined as XML Path. It is a language used to query XML documents. It is an important approach to locate elements in Selenium. XPath consists of a path expression along with some conditions. Here, we can easily write XPath script/query to locate any element in the webpage. It is developed to allow … Read more

Explain the Difference Between Assert and Verify Commands?

Assert: Assert command checks if the given condition is true or false. If the condition is true, the program control will execute the next phase of testing, and if the condition is false, execution will stop, and nothing will be executed. Verify: Verify command also checks if the given condition is true or false. It … Read more

What do you Mean by the Assertion in Selenium?

The assertion is used as a verification point. It verifies that the state of the application conforms to what is expected. The types of assertion are “assert”, “verify” and “waitFor”. In Selenium, assertions are used to verify whether a given condition is true or false in the context of automated testing. Assertions play a crucial … Read more

List out Some of the Automation Tools Which Could be Integrated with Selenium to Achieve Continuous Testing

Selenium can be used to automate functional tests and can be integrated with automation test tools such as Maven, Jenkins, &Docker to achieve continuous testing. It can also be integrated with tools such as TestNG, &JUnit for managing test cases and generating reports. Selenium can be integrated with various automation tools to achieve continuous testing. … Read more