What is the Difference Between Type Keys and Type Commands?

TypeKeys() will trigger JavaScript event in most of the cases whereas .type() won’t. In Selenium, there is no specific method called “type commands.” However, there is a method called send_keys() that is commonly used to simulate keyboard input. On the other hand, there is no direct method called “type keys” either. If you are referring … Read more

What are the Popular Programming Languages Supported by Selenium WebDriver to Write Test Cases?

Selenium WebDriver supports the below languages to write Test Cases. JAVA PHP Python C# Ruby Perl Selenium WebDriver supports multiple programming languages for writing test cases. Some of the popular programming languages supported by Selenium WebDriver are: Java Python C# Ruby JavaScript (Node.js) You can choose any of these programming languages based on your preferences … Read more

What are the WebDriver Supported Mobile Testing Drivers?

WebDriver supported “mobile testing drivers” are: AndroidDriver IphoneDriver OperaMobileDriver As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Selenium primarily supports mobile testing through the use of different WebDriver implementations for specific mobile platforms. The main WebDriver implementations for mobile testing are: AndroidDriver: Used for testing Android applications. It interacts with the Android browser and … Read more

What are the Different Types of Annotations Which are Used in Selenium?

JUnit annotations which can be used are: Test Before After Ignore BeforeClass AfterClass RunWith In Selenium, annotations are used to provide information to the compiler and the Selenium framework about how to run the tests. The two main types of annotations used in Selenium are: @BeforeSuite: This annotation is used to indicate that a method … Read more

What is the Difference Between “/” and “//” in XPath?

Single Slash “/”: Single slash is used to create XPath with absolute path. Double Slash “//”: Double slash is used to create XPath with the relative path. In XPath, “/” and “//” are both used to navigate the XML or HTML document structure, but they have different meanings: “/” (Single Slash): It is used for … Read more