How the Build and Release Differ From One Another, Explain the Difference.

Build is defined as when the software is given to the testing team by the development team. Release It is defined as when the software is handed over to the users by the tester and developer. In software development, the terms “build” and “release” refer to distinct stages in the development and deployment process. Here … Read more

What is Quality Assurance?

QA stands Quality Assurance. QA is a set of activities designed to ensure that the developed software meets all the specifications or requirements mentioned in the SRS document. QA follows the : Plan The plan is a phase in Quality Assurance in which the organization determines the processes which are required to build a high-quality … Read more

What are the Benefits of Automation Testing?

Benefits of Automation testing are as follows. It allows execution of repeated test cases It enables parallel execution Automation Testing encourages unattended execution It improves accuracy. Thus, it reduces human-generated errors It saves time and money. Automation testing with Selenium offers several benefits, which contribute to its popularity in the software testing community. Some key … Read more

What is the Main Disadvantage of Implicit Wait?

The main disadvantage of implicit wait is that it slows down test performance. Another disadvantage of implicit wait is: Suppose, you set the waiting limit to be 10 seconds, and the elements appear in the DOM in 11 seconds, your tests will be failed because you told it to wait a maximum of 10 seconds. … Read more

What is the Wait? How Many Types of Waits in Selenium?

Selenium Webdriver introduces the concept of waits for the AJAX-based application. There are two types of waits: Implicit Wait Explicit Wait In Selenium, “waits” are used to hold the execution of the test script until a certain condition is met. This is important because web pages may not load at the same speed, and elements … Read more