What is the Main Disadvantage of Implicit Wait?

The main disadvantage of implicit wait is that it slows down test performance.

Another disadvantage of implicit wait is:

Suppose, you set the waiting limit to be 10 seconds, and the elements appear in the DOM in 11 seconds, your tests will be failed because you told it to wait a maximum of 10 seconds.

The main disadvantage of implicit wait in Selenium is that it applies globally to all elements in the script. When you set an implicit wait, Selenium will wait for the specified amount of time for an element to be found before throwing an exception. However, if the element is found before the implicit wait time is over, the script will proceed immediately.

The problem with implicit waits is that they may lead to unnecessarily long wait times, impacting the overall speed of test execution. If you set a high implicit wait time to ensure that all elements are loaded, it may result in increased test execution duration, making the tests slower than necessary. On the other hand, setting a low implicit wait time may lead to script failures if elements take longer to load.

In summary, the lack of flexibility and granularity in controlling wait times for specific elements is a significant drawback of implicit waits in Selenium.