What is the use of FILE param in IMP command?

FILE param is used to specify the name of the export file to import. Multiple files can be listed, separated by commas.

In Oracle’s IMP (Import) command, there is no direct parameter named “FILE.” However, there is a parameter named “FILE,” which is used in conjunction with the “FROMUSER” and “TOUSER” parameters to specify the export dump file.

Here’s an example of how the FILE parameter is used in the IMP command:

imp username/password@dbname FROMUSER=source_user TOUSER=target_user FILE=export_dump.dmp

In this example:

  • FROMUSER: Specifies the source user from which the data is being imported.
  • TOUSER: Specifies the target user to which the data is being imported.
  • FILE: Specifies the name of the export dump file (in this case, “export_dump.dmp”).

So, the FILE parameter in the IMP command is used to specify the export dump file from which the data will be imported into the specified target user.