What is The Relationship Between a Method’s Throws Clause And The Exceptions That Can be Thrown During the Method’s Execution?

A method’s throws clause must declare any checked exceptions that are not caught within the body of the method.

In Java, the throws clause in a method signature is used to declare the exceptions that a method might throw during its execution. It specifies the types of exceptions that the method may not handle itself, and instead, it delegates the responsibility of handling those exceptions to the calling code.

The relationship between a method’s throws clause and the exceptions that can be thrown during the method’s execution is that the throws clause informs the caller about the potential exceptions that need to be handled. When a method declares certain exceptions in its throws clause, it means that it might throw those exceptions at runtime, and the calling code (the code that invokes this method) should be prepared to handle those exceptions.

For example:

public void exampleMethod() throws SomeException, AnotherException {
// Method implementation that may throw SomeException or AnotherException

In this example, the exampleMethod is declaring that it may throw SomeException or AnotherException. If a piece of code calls exampleMethod, it must either catch these exceptions or declare them in its own throws clause.

public class ExampleCaller {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (SomeException e) {
// Handle SomeException
} catch (AnotherException e) {
// Handle AnotherException

In the calling code, you can either catch the declared exceptions or propagate them to the calling code’s caller by adding them to the calling method’s throws clause.