What is Nine-Patch Images Tool in Android?

We can change bitmap images into nine sections with four corners, four edges, and an axis.

In Android, a Nine-Patch image is a resizable bitmap resource that can be used as backgrounds or other images in Android applications. The term “Nine-Patch” refers to the way these images are divided into nine sections, where the outer sections are stretched while the inner sections remain fixed. This resizing capability makes Nine-Patch images particularly useful for accommodating different screen sizes and orientations.

The Nine-Patch tool in Android is a graphical tool provided by the Android Studio IDE to create and edit Nine-Patch images. It allows developers to define stretchable and non-stretchable areas within the image, helping in the creation of graphics that can adapt to various screen sizes without losing quality or distorting the content.

In summary, the Nine-Patch tool in Android is a resource in Android Studio that aids in the creation and modification of Nine-Patch images, which are resizable images used in Android applications to support different screen sizes and resolutions.