What does web module contain?The web module contains:

  • JSP files,
  • class files for servlets,
  • GIF and HTML files, and
  • a Web deployment descriptor.

Web modules are packaged as JAR files with a .war (Web ARchive) extension.

In the context of advanced Java and web development, a web module typically refers to a Java web application that follows the Java EE (Enterprise Edition) or Jakarta EE specifications. The correct answer to “What does a web module contain?” would include various components that make up a web application. These components are typically packaged together in a WAR (Web Application Archive) file. Here are the key components of a web module:

  1. Servlets: Java classes that handle HTTP requests and generate HTTP responses. Servlets are the basic building blocks of a Java web application.
  2. JSP (JavaServer Pages): A technology that allows Java code to be embedded into HTML pages, facilitating dynamic content generation.
  3. HTML/CSS/JavaScript: The static web content, including HTML for page structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for client-side interactivity.
  4. Web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml): An XML file that provides configuration information for the web application, such as servlet mappings, welcome pages, and security constraints.
  5. Libraries (JAR files): External Java libraries and frameworks that the web application depends on.
  6. Tag Libraries: If using JavaServer Pages, tag libraries may be included to provide additional functionality beyond standard HTML tags.
  7. Static Resources (images, stylesheets, etc.): Resources that are served directly to the client without processing by the server.
  8. Configuration Files: Various configuration files for the application server and any other specific configurations needed for the web application.
  9. Classes and JavaBeans: Java classes and components that provide the business logic for the application.
  10. Database Connection Information: If the web application interacts with a database, the connection information and configuration may be included.

Remember that the specific contents may vary depending on the technology stack and framework used in the web application. Modern Java web development often involves technologies such as Servlets, JSP, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Spring, and more.