What are the Implicit Objects

Implicit objects are objects that are created by the web container and contain information related to a particular request, page, or application.
They are:
Request, response, pageContext, session, application, out, config, page, exception.

In advanced Java programming, especially in web development using technologies like JavaServer Faces (JSF) or Servlets/JSP, there are several implicit objects that are available for use without the need for explicit declaration. These objects are automatically created by the container and can be used within the scope of a JSP page or a servlet. The most commonly used implicit objects are:

  1. request: Represents the client’s request to the server. It provides information about the request made by the client.
  2. response: Represents the server’s response to the client. It is used to send data back to the client.
  3. session: Represents a user session. It allows data to be persisted across multiple requests from the same client.
  4. application: Represents the servlet context or application scope. It allows data to be shared among all the servlets and JSP pages in a web application.
  5. out: Represents the output stream for writing content to the client. It is often used with the println method to send HTML content to the browser.
  6. pageContext: Provides access to various objects and methods related to the current JSP page, such as request, response, session, and application.
  7. config: Represents the configuration of the JSP page, including initialization parameters.
  8. page: Refers to the servlet-generated object for the JSP page itself. It allows direct access to methods defined in the page’s scripting language.

These implicit objects make it easier to interact with the underlying environment and handle various aspects of web development. Keep in mind that the availability of these objects may vary depending on the specific technology or framework being used.