What are the Different Models Available in SDLC?

There are various models available in software testing, which are the following:

  • Waterfall model
  • Spiral Model
  • Prototype model
  • Verification and validation model
  • Hybrid model
  • Agile model
  • Rational unified process model[RUP]
  • Rapid Application development [RAD]

In the context of Software Testing, the question seems to be about Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models rather than testing models specifically. SDLC models represent different approaches to software development, and testing is an integral part of each model. Here are some common SDLC models:

  1. Waterfall Model: This is a linear and sequential model where each phase must be completed before the next one begins. Testing is typically performed after the development phase.
  2. V-Model (Verification and Validation Model): This model is an extension of the waterfall model, where each development phase has a corresponding testing phase.
  3. Agile Model: Agile is an iterative and incremental model where development and testing are carried out simultaneously in short cycles known as sprints.
  4. Spiral Model: This model combines elements of both waterfall and iterative development models, emphasizing risk assessment and allowing for changes at any phase.
  5. Incremental Model: In this model, the system is designed, implemented, and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the product is finished.
  6. RAD Model (Rapid Application Development): RAD is an incremental model that emphasizes rapid development and iteration. Testing is integrated throughout the development process.
  7. Iterative Model: This model involves repeating cycles of development and testing until the desired product is achieved.
  8. Prototype Model: Prototyping involves creating an initial version of the system, and testing is performed on the prototype to gather feedback for further development.
  9. DevOps Model: DevOps is a set of practices that combine software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) aiming to shorten the development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously.

The choice of the SDLC model depends on the project’s requirements, timeline, and other factors. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages, and testing strategies may vary accordingly.