What is an Application Resource File?

The files which can be injected for the building up of a process are called as application resource file. In Android development, an application resource file refers to a file that contains resources used by an Android application. Resources include various types of assets such as images, layouts, strings, colors, styles, animations, and more. These … Read more

Explain the Use of ‘Bundle’ in Android?

We use bundles to pass the required data to various subfolders. In Android development, a Bundle is a data structure that is used to pass data between different components of an Android application, such as between activities. It acts as a container for carrying a set of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and … Read more

Give a List of Impotent Folders in Android

The following folders are declared as impotent in android: AndroidManifest.xml build.xml bin/ src/ res/ assets/ In Android, there are several important folders that serve specific purposes. Here’s a list of some important folders in an Android file system: /system: Contains the core operating system files and libraries. /data: Holds user data, app data, and other … Read more

Define Android Toast.

An android toast provides feedback to the users about the operation being performed by them. It displays the message regarding the status of operation initiated by the user. In Android development, a “toast” refers to a short-lived message that appears on the screen, typically near the bottom, to provide users with brief information or feedback … Read more

How are View Elements Identified in the Android Program?

View elements can be identified using the keyword findViewById. In Android programming, view elements are identified using unique identifiers called “IDs.” These IDs are assigned to UI elements within the XML layout file, and you can reference them in your Java/Kotlin code. Here are common ways to identify and work with view elements: XML Attributes: … Read more