How to delete a database from mysql server

mysql> drop database databasename; To delete a database from MySQL server, you can use the following SQL command: sql DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] database_name; Replace database_name with the name of the database you want to delete. The IF EXISTS clause is optional and prevents an error from occurring if the database does not exist. Here’s … Read more

How to see table’s field formats or description of table

mysql> describe tablename; In MySQL, you can use the DESC or DESCRIBE statement to see the description of a table, including the field formats. Here’s an example: sql DESCRIBE your_table_name; or sql DESC your_table_name; Replace “your_table_name” with the actual name of the table you want to describe. This will provide information about the columns, their … Read more

How to see all the tables from a database of mysql server

mysql> show tables; To see all the tables in a MySQL database, you can use the following SQL query: sql SHOW TABLES; This query will display a list of all tables in the currently selected database. If you want to see tables from a specific database, you can switch to that database using the USE … Read more

How Switch (select or use) to a database

mysql> use databasename; In MySQL, you can switch (select or use) to a different database using the USE statement. Here’s the syntax: sql USE database_name; Replace database_name with the name of the database you want to switch to. This statement sets the default database for the current session. For example, if you want to switch … Read more

How to list or view all databases from the mysql server

mysql> show databases. To list or view all databases in MySQL, you can use the following SQL command: sql SHOW DATABASES; When you run this command in the MySQL command-line interface or any MySQL client tool, it will display a list of all the databases available on the MySQL server.