What do you Understand by Context Initialization Parameters

The context-param element contains the declaration of a web application’s servlet context initialization parameters. Namevalue The Context Parameters page lets you manage parameters that are accessed through the ServletContext.getInitParameterNames and ServletContext.getInitParameter methods. In the context of Java web applications, context initialization parameters refer to the configuration settings that are defined at the level of a … Read more

What is the Role of JSP in MVC Model

JSP is mostly used to develop the user interface, It plays are role of View in the MVC Model. In the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, JSP (JavaServer Pages) plays the role of the “View” component. Here’s a brief explanation of the MVC components and the role of JSP: Model: Represents the application’s data and business … Read more

What Are JSP Custom Tags

JSP Custom tags are user defined JSP language elements. JSP custom tags are user defined tags that can encapsulate common functionality. For example you can write your own tag to access the database and performing database operations. You can also write custom tags to encapsulate both simple and complex behaviors in an easy to use … Read more

What Are The Life-Cycle Methods of JSP

Life-cycle methods of the JSP are: jspInit(): The container calls the jspInit() to initialize the servlet instance. It is called before any other method, and is called only once for a servlet instance. _jspService(): The container calls the _jspservice() for each request and it passes the request and the response objects. _jspService() method cann’t be … Read more

What is a JSP Scriptlet

JSP Scriptlets is a term used to refer to pieces of Java code that can be embedded in a JSP PAge. Scriptlets begins with <% tag and ends with %> tag. Java code written inside scriptlet executes every time the JSP is invoked. In advanced Java, a JSP (JavaServer Pages) scriptlet is a block of … Read more