What is JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL

A tag library that encapsulates core functionality common to many JSP applications.JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization and locale-specific formatting tags, SQL tags, and functions. The correct answer to the question “What is JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)?” is as follows: JavaServer … Read more

How will you Handle the Runtime Exception in Your JSP Page

The errorPage attribute of the page directive can be used to catch run-time exceptions automatically and then forwarded to an error processing page. You can define the error page to which you want the request forwarded to, in case of an exception, in each JSP Page. Also, there should be another JSP that plays the … Read more

How can you Prevent the Browser From Caching Data of the Pages you Visit

By setting properties that prevent caching in your JSP Page.They are:   <% response.setHeader(“pragma”,”no-cache”);//HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no-cache”); response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no-store”); response.addDateHeader(“Expires”, -1); response.setDateHeader(“max-age”, 0); //response.setIntHeader(“Expires”, -1);//prevents caching at the proxy server response.addHeader(“cache-Control”, “private”); %> To prevent the browser from caching data of the pages you visit in a web application developed with Advance Java, you can use various … Read more

What do you Understand by JSP Translation?

JSP translation is an action that refers to the convertion of the JSP Page into a Java Servlet. This class is essentially a servlet class wrapped with features for JSP functionality. In Advanced Java, particularly in the context of JavaServer Pages (JSP), “JSP translation” refers to the process by which a JSP page is converted … Read more

Can you Extend JSP Technology

Yes. JSP technology lets the programmer to extend the jsp to make the programming more easier. JSP can be extended and custom actions & tag libraries can be developed to enhance/extend its features. No, you cannot extend JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology directly. JSP is a technology that allows developers to create dynamic, platform-independent web applications. … Read more