Is there any other way to to store tree structure in a relational database

Yes, it can be done using the “modified preorder tree traversal” as described below.As shown in the previous diagram above, each node is marked with a left and right numbers using a modified preorder traversalas shown above. This can be represented in a database table as shown below.

Yes, there are alternative methods for storing tree structures in a relational database. One common approach is called the “adjacency list model,” where each node in the tree has a reference to its parent node. Another approach is the “nested set model,” where each node has a left and right value indicating its position within the tree. Additionally, there’s the “closure table model,” which involves creating a separate table to store all ancestor-descendant relationships explicitly. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, and the choice depends on factors like the type of queries you’ll be running and the complexity of the tree structure.