Is there any need to create database command in MongoDB?

You don’t need to create a database manually in MongoDB because it creates automaically when you save the value into the defined collection at first time.

In MongoDB, databases are created automatically when you first store data in them. Unlike some traditional relational database systems where you explicitly need to create a database before using it, MongoDB dynamically creates a database when you start adding collections (tables) to it. If the specified database does not exist, MongoDB creates it for you.

Therefore, there is typically no explicit “create database” command that you need to use in MongoDB. Instead, you can switch to a non-existent database or specify a new one in your commands, and MongoDB will create it on the fly.

For example, if you want to use a database called “mydatabase,” you can simply start using it in your queries or commands, and MongoDB will create it if it doesn’t already exist:

use mydatabase

Keep in mind that you need appropriate permissions to create databases in MongoDB, and the user account you are using must have the necessary privileges.