How will you find out the superior for an employee whose emp_id is 3

You can use a self-join to find the manager of an employee whose emp_id is 3

Select e.emp_id,e.emp_name, title

Fromemployee e, employee s

where e.superior_emp_id = s.employee_idand e.emp_id = 3

This should return: 1, Peter, CIO

To find the superior for an employee with emp_id 3 in a database management system (DBMS), you would typically execute a SQL query that retrieves the superior’s information based on the hierarchical relationship stored in the database. Assuming there’s a table named “employees” with columns like “emp_id” and “superior_id” indicating the hierarchical relationship, the query might look something like this:

SELECT superior_name
FROM employees
WHERE emp_id = 3;

This query selects the superior’s name from the employees table where the emp_id is 3. The “superior_id” column in the employees table should contain the ID of the superior for each employee. This query fetches the superior’s name based on the employee ID provided (3 in this case).