How to get a List of Resources From a Directory in Java Classpath

You can use Reflections library for doing this. Reflections is a open source Java library. It scans Java classpath and indexes it with metadata. This library allows you to query the classpath at runtime and can be very handy for many run-time reflection code needs.

In Java, if you want to get a list of resources from a directory on the classpath, you can use the following approach:

import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.List;
public class ResourceLoader {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
// Specify the directory path within the classpath
String directoryPath = “your/directory/path”;

// Use the class loader to get a reference to the directory
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
URL directoryUrl = classLoader.getResource(directoryPath);

if (directoryUrl != null) {
// Convert the URL to a Path
Path directoryPath = Paths.get(directoryUrl.toURI());

// Use Files.list to get a stream of all files and directories in the specified directory
try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.list(directoryPath)) {
List<Path> resourcePaths = paths.collect(Collectors.toList());

// Now, you have a list of resource paths in the specified directory
for (Path resourcePath : resourcePaths) {
} else {
System.out.println(“Directory not found on the classpath: “ + directoryPath);

Make sure to replace “your/directory/path” with the actual path of the directory you want to list. Also, keep in mind that the directory should be on the classpath for this approach to work.

Note: This example uses the Files.list method, which requires Java 8 or later. If you’re using an older version of Java, consider using alternative methods like File.listFiles() for achieving a similar result.