Explain the Types of Documents in Software Quality Assurance?

The following are the types of documents in Software Quality Assurance:

Requirement Document
All the functionalities are to be added in the application are documented in terms of Requirements, and the document is known as Requirement document. This Requirement document is made by the collaboration of various people in the project team like developers, testers, Business Analysts, etc.

Test Metrics
Test Metrics is a quantitative measure that determines the quality and effectiveness of the testing process.

Test plan
It defines the strategy which will be applied to test an application, the resources that will be used, the test environment in which testing will be performed, and scheduling of test activities will be done.

Test cases
A test case is a set of steps, and conditions used at the time of testing. This activity is performed to verify whether all the functionalities of software are working properly or not. There can be various types of test cases such as logical, functional, error, negative test cases, physical test cases, UI test cases, etc.

Traceability matrix
Traceability matrix is a table that traces and maps the user requirements with test cases. The main aim of Requirement Traceability Matrix is to see that all test cases are covered so that no functionality miss during the software testing.

Test scenario
A test scenario is a collection set of test cases which helps the testing team to determine the positive and negative aspects of a project.