Can we Override the jspInit(), _jspService() and jspDestroy() Methods

We can override jspinit() and jspDestroy() methods but not _jspService().

In advanced Java, specifically when dealing with JavaServer Pages (JSP), you cannot override the jspInit() and jspDestroy() methods. These methods are part of the HttpJspPage interface, which is implemented by the container when it translates a JSP page into a servlet. The jspInit() method is called when the JSP page is initialized, and jspDestroy() is called when the JSP page is destroyed.

On the other hand, you do override the _jspService() method indirectly when you create a JSP page. The _jspService() method is automatically generated by the container during the translation phase and contains the code you wrote in your JSP file. You don’t explicitly write the _jspService() method in your JSP file, but it gets generated behind the scenes.

So, in summary:

  1. You cannot override jspInit() and jspDestroy() directly.
  2. _jspService() is automatically generated and contains your JSP code, but you don’t write it explicitly in your JSP file.