What are the different types of synonyms?

There are two types of synonyms or alias: Private: It can only accessed by the owner. Public: It can be accessed by any database user. In Oracle, there are two main types of synonyms: private synonyms and public synonyms. Private Synonyms: Private synonyms are owned by a specific user. They are only accessible to the … Read more

What is a synonym?

A synonym is also known as alias for a table, view, sequence or program unit. In the context of Oracle databases, a synonym is an alias or alternate name for a table, view, sequence, procedure, or other database object. Synonyms provide a way to simplify the way users and applications access database objects by providing … Read more

What is the usage of control file in Oracle?

In Oracle, control file is used for database recovery. The control file is also used to identify the database and redo log files that must be opened for database operation to go ahead, whenever an instance of an ORACLE database begins. The control file in Oracle plays a crucial role in the functioning of the … Read more

What types of joins are used in writing SUBQUERIES?

Self join Outer Join Equi-join In Oracle, when writing subqueries, you can use various types of joins, just like in regular SQL queries. The types of joins commonly used in subqueries include: INNER JOIN: Retrieves records that have matching values in both tables. OUTER JOIN: Retrieves all records from one table and the matched records … Read more

Can you create a synonym without having a table?

Yes. We can create a synonym without having a base table. In Oracle, it is not possible to create a synonym without referencing an existing table, view, sequence, or another synonym. A synonym in Oracle is essentially an alias or alternate name for an object, and it must be associated with an existing database object. … Read more