What is the meaning of recursive hints in Oracle?

The number of times a dictionary table is repeatedly called by various processes is known as recursive hint. Recursive hint is occurred because of the small size of data dictionary cache. In Oracle, the term “recursive hints” usually refers to hints used in SQL statements to influence the behavior of recursive SQL statements generated by … Read more

What do you understand by Redo Log file mirroring?

Mirroring is a process of having a copy of Redo log files. It is done by creating group of log files together. This ensures that LGWR automatically writes them to all the members of the current on-line redo log group. If the group fails, the database automatically switches over to the next group. It diminishes … Read more

What is Logical backup in Oracle?

Logical backup is used to read a set of database records and writing them into a file. An Export utility is used to take the backup while an Import utility is used to recover from the backup. A logical backup in Oracle refers to the process of backing up the database using a logical method, … Read more

What is the difference between post-database commit and post-form commit?

The post-database commit trigger is executed after Oracle forms issue the commit to finalized transaction while, the post-form commit is fired during the post and commit transactions process, after the database commit occurs. In Oracle Forms, “post-database commit” and “post-form commit” are events that occur during the data commit process, but they have different scopes … Read more

What is the usage of Save Points in Oracle database?

Save Points are used to divide a transaction into smaller phases. It enables rolling back part of a transaction. There are maximum 5 save points allowed in Oracle Database. Whenever an error is encountered, it is possible to rollback from the point where the SAVEPOINT has been saved. In Oracle databases, a savepoint is a … Read more