Write a query to select all teams that won either 1, 3, 5, or 7 games

SELECT team_name FROM team WHERE team_won IN (1, 3, 5, 7); To select all teams that won either 1, 3, 5, or 7 games in MySQL, you can use the following query: SELECT * FROM teams WHERE wins IN (1, 3, 5, 7); This query selects all rows from the teams table where the wins … Read more

Write a query to retrieve a hundred books starting from 20th

SELECT book_title FROM books LIMIT 20, 100; To retrieve a hundred books starting from the 20th book, you can use the LIMIT clause along with the OFFSET clause in MySQL. Here’s how you can write the query: SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY book_id LIMIT 100 OFFSET 19; This query will retrieve 100 books starting … Read more

Write a query to count the number of rows of a table in MySQL

SELECT COUNT user_id FROM users; To count the number of rows in a table in MySQL, you can use the COUNT() function along with the SELECT statement. Here’s the query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM your_table_name; Replace your_table_name with the name of the table you want to count the rows for. This query will return … Read more

What are the different column comparison operators in MySQL?

The =, , <=, =, >, <>, , AND, OR or LIKE operator are the comparison operators in MySQL. These operators are generally used with SELECT statement. In MySQL, there are several column comparison operators you can use: Equal to: = Not equal to: != or <> Greater than: > Less than: < Greater than … Read more

How do you backup a database in MySQL?

It is easy to back up data with phpMyAdmin. Select the database you want to backup by clicking the database name in the left-hand navigation bar. Then click the export button and make sure that all tables are highlighted that you want to back up. Then specify the option you want under export and save … Read more