SQLCA stands for Server Query Language Communication Area. Basically, it is a collection of variables that may be updated after the execution of every SQL statement.
A program having SQL executable statement can provide maximum one SQLCA whereas in Java it is not applicable.
In the context of IBM’s DB2 database system, SQLCA stands for SQL Communications Area. It is a structure used to store information about the outcome of SQL statements in a program. The SQLCA contains fields that provide details about the SQL statement execution, such as SQLCODE (SQL return code), SQLERRM (SQL error message), SQLERRD (SQL error data), and other related information.
Here’s a brief explanation of some key fields in the SQLCA:
- SQLCODE: An integer value that indicates the success or failure of the SQL statement. A value of 0 typically indicates success, while negative values represent errors.
- SQLERRM: A character string that contains the SQL error message associated with the SQLCODE.
- SQLERRD: An array of integers providing additional error information. Elements of SQLERRD hold values such as the number of rows processed, the estimated cost of the query, and other diagnostic information.
Programs using DB2 often check the SQLCODE in the SQLCA to determine the success or failure of SQL statements and take appropriate actions based on that information.