Following are the three configuration files in Hadoop:
- core-site.xml
- mapred-site.xml
- hdfs-site.xml
Hadoop typically uses three main configuration files:
- core-site.xml: This file contains configuration settings for Hadoop Core, such as the default file system (fs.defaultFS) and Hadoop runtime environment parameters.
- hdfs-site.xml: This file contains configuration settings for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), including block size, replication factor, and other HDFS-specific parameters.
- mapred-site.xml (or mapreduce-site.xml in Hadoop 2 and later): This file contains configuration settings for MapReduce, such as the job tracker address, task tracker settings, and other MapReduce-specific parameters.
These configuration files are typically located in the Hadoop configuration directory, and their settings play a crucial role in determining the behavior of the Hadoop cluster. It’s worth noting that Hadoop versions and distributions might have slight variations in the configuration file names or organization, but the core concepts remain consistent.