What is View Group in Android?

View Group is a collection of views and other child views. It is an invisible part and the base class for layouts.

In Android, a ViewGroup is a special type of View that can contain other View objects. It is essentially a container that defines the layout structure for its child views. ViewGroup is a base class for layouts in Android, and it is used to organize the UI components in a hierarchical manner.

Some common subclasses of ViewGroup include:

  1. LinearLayout: Arranges its children in a single horizontal or vertical line.
  2. RelativeLayout: Positions its children relative to each other or to the parent.
  3. FrameLayout: Displays a single item at a time, stacking all its children on top of each other.
  4. ConstraintLayout: Allows complex positioning and sizing of child views with constraints.

ViewGroup provides methods to add and remove child views, set layout parameters, and manage the layout of its children. It plays a crucial role in designing the user interface of an Android app by defining how the various UI elements are organized and displayed on the screen.