What is Explicit Intent in Android?

An explicit intent is used to invoke the activity class.

In Android, an explicit intent is a type of intent that is used to specify a target component within the same application or a different application in a direct and explicit manner. It explicitly defines the target component’s class name to which the system should deliver the intent. This means that you explicitly state the target component that should handle the intent.

Here’s an example of how an explicit intent is typically used in Android code:

Intent explicitIntent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, TargetActivity.class);

In this example, TargetActivity is the explicit target component, and the system will navigate to that activity when the explicit intent is triggered.

Explicit intents are contrasted with implicit intents, which do not specify a specific target component and instead declare a general action to be performed, allowing the system to find the most suitable component to handle the intent based on the declared action and data.