Give a List of Impotent Folders in Android

The following folders are declared as impotent in android:

  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • build.xml
  • bin/
  • src/
  • res/
  • assets/

In Android, there are several important folders that serve specific purposes. Here’s a list of some important folders in an Android file system:

  1. /system: Contains the core operating system files and libraries.
  2. /data: Holds user data, app data, and other variable data.
  3. /sdcard or /storage/emulated/0: Represents the primary external storage on the device. It’s where user-accessible files are typically stored.
  4. /mnt/sdcard: A symbolic link to the primary external storage.
  5. /cache: Used for storing temporary files, caches, and other temporary data.
  6. /data/data: Contains data specific to individual apps.
  7. /data/app: Holds the APK files of installed apps.
  8. /system/app: Contains pre-installed system apps.
  9. /system/framework: Stores core framework files.
  10. /system/bin and /system/xbin: Contain executable binaries and system binaries.
  11. /system/media: Holds media files used for system sounds, boot animations, etc.
  12. /system/vendor: Contains vendor-specific files and drivers.
  13. /proc: Provides information about processes and system information.
  14. /dev: Represents device files, which are used for communication between the kernel and user space.
  15. /mnt/external_sd or /storage/sdcard1: Represents secondary external storage (if available).

Note that the folder structure may vary slightly between different Android versions and manufacturers, so some devices may have additional or differently named folders. Also, accessing certain system folders may require root access on a device.