Can you have a True Singleton Class in Java? How would you Write a Thread-Safe Singleton Class

A singleton class is something for which only one instance exists per class loader. Single instance for a wholeapplication cannot be guaranteed. That is just definition of what is singleton.

The one that is  popular with the interviewers is writing a thread-safe singleton class.

For example, the following singleton class is not thread-safe because before a thread creates the Singleton instance, another thread can proceed to the instantiation part of the code

— instance = new Object( );

to create more than one instance of the Singleton object.

Even though the code

–> instance = new Object( );

appears to be single line, the JVM has to execute a number of internal steps like allocating memory, creating a new object and assigning the newly created object to the referenced variable.

Only after the completion of these steps,the condition instance == null will return false.

//          final so that cannot be subclassed

public final class Singleton {


private static Object instance = null;


//private so that it cannot be instantiated from outside this class

private Singleton() {}


public static Object getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Object();



return instance;



So, we can make the above code thread-safe in a number of ways.

Option 1: Synchronize the whole method or the block of code. This approach is not efficient as the use of synchronized keyword in a singleton class means that only one thread will be executing the synchronized block at a time and all other threads would be waiting.

Option 2: Eagerly initialize the singleton instance when the class is actually loaded as opposed to initializing it lazily at at run time only when it is accessed.

//final so that cannot be subclassed

public final class ThreadSafeSingleton {


//eager initialization and instantitiated as soon as the class is loaded by a classloader in the JVM

private static Object instance = new Object();


//private so that it cannot be instantiated from outside this class

private Singleton() {}


public static Object getInstance() {

return instance;



Option 3: You can use the “Initialize-On-Demand Holder Class” idiom proposed by Brian Goetz to create a thread-safe lazy-initialized Singleton as shown below by creating an inner class.

public final class ThreadSafeSingleton {

//      private so that it cannot be instantiated from outside this class

private ThreadSafeSingleton() {}


//      static inner class, invoked only when ThreadSafeSingleton.getInstance() is called

private static class ThreadSafeSingletonHolder {

private static ThreadSafeSingleton instance = new ThreadSafeSingleton();


public static Object getInstance() {

return ThreadSafeSingletonHolder.instance;



Option 4: is to create a per thread singleton as discussed earlier with the ThreadLocal class for the SimpledateFormat.