Why we are used setMaxAge() and getMaxAge() in Cookies

Gets/sets how much time (in seconds) should elapse before the cookie expires. If you don’t set this, the cookie will last only for the current session (i.e. until the user quits the browser), and will not be stored on disk.

In Java, specifically in the context of web development using servlets or JSP (JavaServer Pages), setMaxAge() and getMaxAge() are methods associated with the Cookie class. These methods are used to set and retrieve the maximum age of a cookie.

  1. setMaxAge(int maxAge) method:
    • This method is used to set the maximum age of a cookie in seconds.
    • The maximum age is the time duration for which the cookie will remain valid on the client’s browser.
    • After the specified duration has passed, the cookie will be automatically removed by the client’s browser.


    Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("username", "john_doe");
    myCookie.setMaxAge(3600); // Set the maximum age to 1 hour (60 seconds * 60 minutes)
  2. getMaxAge() method:
    • This method is used to retrieve the maximum age of a cookie that has been previously set.
    • It returns the maximum age in seconds.


    Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
    if (cookies != null) {
    for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
    if (cookie.getName().equals("username")) {
    int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
    // Use the maxAge value as needed

These methods are particularly useful when you want to control the lifespan of a cookie on the client’s side. Setting a maximum age allows you to implement features like session management, persistent logins, and more, by controlling how long the client should retain the cookie information.