What are Packages and Plugins in Flutter?

A package is a group of similar types of classes, interfaces, and sub-packages. The packages and plugins help us to build the app without having to develop everything from packages. In Flutter, it allows you to import new widgets or functionality into the app. The packages and plugins have a very small distinction. Generally, packages … Read more

What is Pubspec.yaml File?

It is the project’s configuration file that will use a lot during working with the Flutter project. It allows you how your application works. It also allows us to set the constraints for the app. This file contains: Project general settings such as name, description, and version of the project. Project dependencies. Project assets (e.g., … Read more

What are the Best Editors for Flutter Development?

The Flutter development tools allow to make Flutter development faster and thus boosting the developer’s workflow. Flutter IDE and tools need some plugins to develop mobile applications. The plugins help us to dart compiling, code analysis, and Flutter development. The popular IDE for Flutter developments are as follows: Android Studio Visual Studio IntelliJ IDEA Xcode

What do you Understand by the Stateful and Stateless Widgets?

A Stateful widget has state information. It is referred to as dynamic because it can change the inner data during the widget lifetime. A widget that allows us to refresh the screen is called a Stateful widget. This widget does not have a build() method. It has createState() method, which returns a class that extends … Read more

What are Flutter Widgets?

A Flutter app is always considered as a tree of widgets. Whenever you are going to code for building anything in Flutter, it will be inside a widget. Widgets describe how your app view should look like with their current configuration and state. When you made any alteration in the code, the widget rebuilds its … Read more